计算机学院系列讲座名家讲坛第21期——Computational Infrastructure: Quo Vadis?
报告题目(Title):Computational Infrastructure: Quo Vadis?
时间(Date & Time):2024.11.21; 10:00-11:30
地点(Location):理科二号楼2736(燕园校区)Room 2736, Science Building #2 (Yanyuan)
主讲人(Speaker):Smelyanskiy Ruslan L.
In the short overview of the evolution of computing infrastructure, I look at different approaches to computing as a service on demand (CaSD). Why the latest approach called GRID has not “taken off”, what are the reasons for this. What new breakthroughs allow us to consider CaSD possible and what needs to be done to make it happen.
Smelyanskiy Ruslan L. – Corresponding Member Russian Academy of Science, Professor, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University. Graduated Moscow State University, major – Applied Mathematics (1972-1977), Ph.D. school in 1980. Since 1980 as an assistant professor (1980-1987), associate professor (1987-1991), full professor (since 1991). Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (CMC www.cmc.msu.ru ). Since 2018 – Head of Computer Systems Department at Moscow State
2001 – Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
2002 – Honored Scientist of Russian Federation
2010 – Distinguished Professor of Moscow State University
2011 – Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science
2012 – R&D Director of science in Applied Research Center for Computer Networks (ARCCN)
During his scientific career, he initiated and successfully completed more than 30 R&D projects, five of which were international. The last one was MC2E – Metacloud Computer Environment for multidisciplinary research (2018 – 2020) in collaboration with Pekin University (Co PI prof.Mei Hong). Published 314 papers, six books.
