计算机学院系列讲座菁英论坛第38期——A digital twin of the human heart using the synchronous approach
报告题目(Title):A digital twin of the human heart using the synchronous approach
时间(Date & Time):2024.12.02; 10:00-12:00
地点(Location):理科一号楼1621(燕园校区) Room 1621, Science Building #1 (Yanyuan)
主讲人(Speaker):Partha Roop
In this talk, I will present our work on the electrophysiology of the heart and how this can be captured by leveraging the synchronous approach used in languages like Esterel, Lustre and Signal. I will elaborate on our work spanning more than a decade to create real-time models of the heart, especially for closed-loop pacemaker validation. In the process, I will elaborate on the use of hybrid automata for modelling the electrophysiology of the heart. Finally, I will elaborate on the methods for hardware/software codesign to build digital twins.

Partha is a Professor and Associate Dean International in the Faculty of Engineering, The University of Auckland, New Zealand.
His research interests are mainly in formal methods, especially in CPS applications in biomedical engineering, digital health, and intelligent transportation systems. Partha has a PhD from UNSW Sydney and Master of Technology from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, both in Computer Science and Engineering.
