计算机学院系列讲座名家讲坛第14期——Internet of Materials and Sustainable UbiComp/IoT
报告题目(Title):Internet of Materials and Sustainable UbiComp/IoT
时间(Date & Time):2024.7.17; 9:00
Zoom会议号: 932 9680 4137
密码: 160704
主讲人(Speaker):Gregory Abowd
The Future and History of Ubiquitous Computing-inspired Devices: Do we have a sustainable vision?
Weiser's vision of ubiquitous computing, along with technological advances in the late 1980's, unleashed decades of mobile and "invisible" computing innovations. My own career was inspired by the various visions of ubiquitous technologies. I have constantly reflected on the earlier visions of ubicomp and how they should be reinterpreted or reimagined in the rapidly changing contexts of the 2000's and the 2020's. There appears to be no end in sight for the increased ubiquity of all things computational. From a technical perspective, this is a wonderful opportunity. For the past 10 years, I have been fascinated with the "Internet of Materials" (IoM), by which I mean technologies that can be manufactured cheaply at scale, embody form factors more similar to the physical world, and can harvest energy to support their operation. But this technology-first mindset is troubling for a number of reasons. Every truly human-centered researcher will point out that we need to drive these future efforts as solutions to meaningful domains (e.g., health, usable security and privacy, etc.). More importantly, we should inspire a more sustainable future for computing artifacts. We MUST begin questioning a lot of the assumptions on how to make, operate, and dispose of computational objects. IoM is no longer a journey for a hopeful "visionary" to play out his fanciful predictions for the future. It is a mandate to address the fundamental threats to our planet brought on by unsustainable life cycle practices.

Gregory D. Abowd is the Dean of the College of Engineering at Northeastern University, where he is also a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering with affiliate appointments in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences and the Bouvé College of Health Sciences. Prior to joining Northeastern in March 2021, Dr. Abowd was faculty in the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology for over 26 years. His research falls largely in the area of Human-Computer Interaction with an emphasis on applications and technology development for mobile and ubiquitous computing in everyday settings. His research has introduced innovations in the classroom, the home, for stakeholders connected with autism and other chronic health conditions, and sustainable forms of computing in everyday life. For his research career he has been recognized as an ACM Fellow (2008), an ACM SIGCHI Academy member (2008) and the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award (2023). In 2008, he founded the Atlanta Autism Consortium, a nonprofit dedicated to increasing engagement across stakeholder communities. For his work in autism as both a researcher and community organizer, he received the 2008 ACM SIGCHI Social Impact Award (2007), the ACM Eugene Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions within Computer Science and Informatics (2009), and the State of Georgia Outstanding Achievement Award for Autism (2017). Dr. Abowd earned his Bachelor of Science in Honors Mathematics (summa cum laude) from the University of Notre Dame in 1986 as well as a Master of Science (1987) and Doctor of Philosophy (1991) in Computation from the University of Oxford, where he attended as a Rhodes Scholar.