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Peking University's School of Computer Science Visit Nine Institutions in Four "Belt and Road" Countries

Since 2019, Peking University's School of Computer Science has been committed to building an international development system, actively responding to the strategic development guidelines of the nation and the university, and valuing the implementation of the "Belt and Road" initiative. This past summer, Dean HU Zhenjiang and Vice Dean ZHOU Minghui led a delegation on their inaugural visit to four Southeast Asian countries.

From August 14th to August 27th, the delegation visited nine prestigious higher education institutions across Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, including Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Universiti Malaya, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Chulalongkorn University, Mahidol University, Vietnam National University in Hanoi, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, and Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City. They engaged in extensive and in-depth exchanges with these institutions to explore new opportunities for student training and scientific research cooperation. During the visit, the delegation from Peking University's School of Computer Science also toured the Lily Center of Excellence at Nanyang Technological University, as well as the laboratories, smart classrooms, and one of the Thailand-Germany collaborative research centers, the Medical Informatics Research Unit, at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology at Mahidol University.





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This Southeast Asian journey not only deepened the understanding and connections between Peking University's School of Computer Science and top institutions in the region but also laid a solid foundation for future academic exchanges, scientific research cooperation, talent training, and multi-field collaboration. Through a series of in-depth dialogues and on-site inspections, the delegation gained a more intuitive understanding of the current state and development trends of higher education in the Southeast Asian region, providing new perspectives and ideas for further cooperation on the path of educational internationalization.

Both sides reached a consensus during the exchange to deepen cooperation and promote the globalization of the "Belt and Road" initiative through the following measures:

·         Integration of curriculum resources: Effectively integrating the School of Computer Science's core courses and outstanding English courses to enhance academic influence and attract outstanding international students.

·         Short-term project cooperation: Providing students with rich opportunities to experience a diverse learning environment and developing student ambassadors who will serve as bridges for exchange and cooperation between institutions.

·         Joint school-enterprise development: Collaborating with multiple schools and enterprises to enable students to solve real-world problems and serve sustainable societies.

·         Asian Computer Forum: Establishing the Asian Computer Forum in collaboration with top Southeast Asian computer science institutions to promote academic development and enhance the level of educational internationalization in the Southeast Asian region.

Looking forward, we anticipate deepening cooperation with Southeast Asian partner institutions on multiple levels, jointly cultivating high-quality talents with international competitiveness, and contributing to the advancement of regional and global scientific progress and social development.