The application portal for 2021 International Elite PhD Program is active. In order to get a sense of study at Peking University and to know our professors in advance, we are now opening an Internship Program. The detailed information about the Internship Program is listed as follow:
Target applicants: non-Chinese students
Year at School: Junior/Senior/Master students
Length of Program: 1-3 month (From 10/2020-12/2020)
**Due to the pandemic situation globally, we only offer online internship this year
If you are interested in our Internship Program, please contact your supervisor and fill out the application form ASAP https://www.wjx.top/jq/91783764.aspx
Note that each student should submit a research report mentored by his/her supervisor after completion of the internship program.
After the internship, we hope that you can consider to apply for our International Elite PhD program. The first round of application is due around 12/20/2020.
Should you have any questions, please contact us directly at gradadmissions.cs