
Institute of Data Science and Engineering

Zhang, Ming


Institute:Institute of Data Science and Engineering

Research Interests:Machine learning, Text Mining, Computing Education

Phone:86-10-6276 5822


Zhang, Ming is a full professor at the School of Computer Science, Peking University. Prof. Zhang is a member of Advisory Committee of Ministry of Education in China, a member at large of ACM China Chapter, a former member of ACM Education Advisory Committee (2013-2021) and the founder and former Chair of ACM SIGCSE China (2016-2023) . She is one of the five Executive Committee Members of ACM/IEEE IT2017 and a member of the ACM/IEEE CC2020 steering group. She has published more than 300 research papers on Text Mining, Machine Learning and Computing Education in the top conferences, such as ICML, NeurIPS, KDD, WWW, ACL, AAAI, IJCAI, as well as top journals such as TKDE, TOIS, Information Fusion, etc. She won the best paper of ICML 2014 and best paper nominees of WWW 2016 and ICDM 2022. Prof. Zhang is the leading author of several textbooks on Data Structures and Algorithms in Chinese, and the corresponding course is awarded as the National Elaborate Course, National Boutique Resource Sharing Course, National Fine-designed Online Course, National First Class Course by MOE China. She won the CCF Outstanding Education Award in 2021.