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International Students Participate in the Shenzhen Study Tour


From May 28 to 31, 2024, the International Students Division and the School of Computer Science at Peking University jointly organized the "Knowledge and Action Program" in Shenzhen. The School of Computer Science’s International Office staff led 10 current international students from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Bahrain, Malaysia, and Bangladesh in participating in this activity. Additionally, ten international students from other departments of Peking University joined the tour, hailing from countries such as Australia, Japan, South Korea, India, Pakistan, and Turkmenistan. The diverse nationalities of the participants highlighted the strong international character of this event.

As one of the foremost technology innovation centers in China and the world, Shenzhen is home to many renowned tech companies and research institutions, driving innovation and industry upgrades in the tech sector. This provides numerous opportunities for collaboration, internships, and employment for computer science students. The activities during the tour were diverse, including visits to leading companies, historical sites, and exchanges at the Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.

The first stop of the study tour was the headquarters of SF Express Group in Shenzhen. Han Fu, a senior product manager in the international product development team, gave a detailed introduction to the founding, development, and current status of SF Express. As the largest express delivery company in Asia and the fourth largest globally, SF Express is renowned for its excellent service quality and extensive coverage. During the subsequent Q&A session, the international students eagerly asked questions covering areas such as artificial intelligence, big data, and data modeling, which Han Fu answered in detail. Chen Manshi, the campus recruitment director of SF Express Group, expressed the company's desire for international talent and warmly welcomed the students to join SF Express to create a better future together.

In the evening, the international students at Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School enthusiastically organized a welcome party, sharing their study and life experiences at the school. The group games and karaoke sessions created a lively atmosphere, enhancing mutual understanding and friendship. The students stayed in the international student dormitories at the graduate school, further experiencing the real life of students there.

On the second day in the morning, the students visited the headquarters of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. located in Bantian. Huawei is renowned for its significant investment in research and development and its direction of development towards "digitalization, intelligence, and low carbonization." In the Intelligent Operations Center (IOC) and the Digital Transformation Exhibition Hall, the students witnessed cutting-edge displays of smart campuses, fully wireless intelligent IoT factories, and low-carbon campuses. Detailed explanations by Huawei's technical experts deepened the students' understanding of Huawei, showcasing its strength and charm as a global leader in information and communication technology solutions.

In the afternoon, the students visited the Shenzhen Reform and Opening-up Exhibition Hall. Through photos, physical exhibits, videos, and high-tech interactive experiences, the exhibition vividly depicted the magnificent journey and splendid achievements of Guangdong's 40 years of reform and opening-up. With a unique perspective and rich presentation methods, the exhibition delved into Shenzhen's remarkable transformation from a small fishing village to an international metropolis. From the establishment of the early special economic zones to today's high ground of technological innovation, the exhibition, through detailed information and lively explanations, revealed the city's significant role and contributions in the reform and opening-up process. The students not only felt the weight of history but also gained insights into Shenzhen's rapid development in various fields such as technology, economy, and culture through interactive experiences. This visit provided valuable content for their national education, deepening their understanding of China's reform and opening-up policies and achievements, and sparking their strong interest in China's future development.

Later, the students returned to the Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School and began a comprehensive campus tour, visiting the School of Information Engineering, the School of Environment and Energy, the School of Transnational Law, and the HSBC Business School. The students toured modern classrooms and laboratories, learned about various research projects and teaching resources, and understood the features and strengths of each school, experiencing the rich academic atmosphere and vibrant campus life.

On the third day, the students visited the Dapeng Fortress, a historic coastal defense military fortress from the Ming and Qing dynasties. The well-preserved ancient city walls, gates, and the General’s Mansion allowed them to travel back in time and appreciate the grandeur and wisdom of ancient coastal defense. Afterwards, the students visited the Shenzhen Astronomical Observatory, known for its beautiful coastline. With advanced astronomical observation equipment, the observatory and the vast skies and endless coastline of Shenzhen added a unique beauty and grandeur to the trip.

The last stop of the study tour was the headquarters of BYD Company in Shenzhen. The students entered the famous hexagonal building, where they first saw the latest models of BYD cars, from sedans to SUVs, and commercial vehicles, showcasing BYD’s extensive layout in the automotive field. Following the guide, the students toured the exhibition hall, learning about BYD’s development from 1995 to 2023 and witnessing the company’s rise from producing rechargeable batteries to becoming a leading automotive brand. The exhibition hall displayed various vehicle structural systems, including engine chassis, all-electric buses, and the public transit SkyRail system using autonomous driving technology. Particularly impressive was BYD’s involvement in manufacturing phone components, with most structural parts of mainstream phones being produced by BYD Electronics, demonstrating its strength in electronic manufacturing.

The Shenzhen "Knowledge and Action Program" study tour provided international students from Peking University's School of Computer Science with an in-depth understanding of China's glorious history of reform and opening-up and the vigorous pulse of technological innovation in Shenzhen. They personally experienced the rapid development of Chinese enterprises and gained an international perspective. Through diverse activities and in-depth corporate visits, they further broadened their horizons and deepened their understanding of Chinese technology and culture. Moreover, this practical experience sparked strong interest among the international students in future employment and development opportunities in China, providing them with valuable career insights and directions. The successful completion of the event not only showcased the unique advantages of Peking University's School of Computer Science in international education but also laid a solid foundation for cultivating more internationally minded and innovative talents with a global perspective.

Benjamin, a 2021 master's student from the UK, shared his thoughts: "It is my belief that the future development of the Guangdong bay area and an increased international cooperation with Chinese Tech-giants will lead to greater success for China and the international community. It is led by this belief that I strongly encourage other international students and researchers to consider exchanges or placements in China, as well as the opportunities to study or work here, as understanding the culture with an open mind and gaining insights into the technological developments here will be beneficial regardless of your country of origin."

Raheel, a 2023 master's student from Bahrain, shared his thoughts: "The trip to Shenzhen was one that I would truly remember. It was a balanced mixture of getting the opportunity to explore more options in terms of career and market direction by going to different huge companies that are leading in their respective fields and having fun times exploring a new city, hanging out with friends, and meeting new people. It was a grand way to mark the end of my first year at Peking University."

Jun Hoong, a 2021 PhD student from Malaysia, shared his thoughts: "An incredible trip organized by PKU provided us with the wonderful opportunity to explore the stunning city of Shenzhen and visit leading tech companies."