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Opening Ceremony of the Second International Summer School


On July 1, 2024, the opening ceremony of the Second International Summer School of the School of Computer Science was held at the Yanyuan Campus. This year's summer school hosts 10 undergraduate students majoring in computer-related fields from Columbia University, Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Southern California, Nanyang Technological University, the Indian Institutes of Technology, Monash University, and Deakin University. In addition, more than 20 Chinese students are also participating.


Professor Zhou Minghui, Vice Dean of the School of Computer Science, delivered the welcome speech. She introduced the development history and current status of the School of Computer Science, with a special focus on the international student programs. She reviewed the achievements of the previous summer school and expressed her expectations for this year's participants. She highlighted the outstanding accomplishments the school has made in academic research, international cooperation, and student training in recent years. Professor Zhou hopes that students will benefit from the summer courses and gain valuable experiences. She looks forward to seeing students not only achieve academic success but also make friends from around the world, broaden their international perspectives, and spark intellectual exchanges.

Following her speech, the students introduced themselves one by one, fostering mutual understanding. Then, representatives from the eight research institutes of the School of Computer Science gave detailed presentations about their respective institutes, covering cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, the metaverse, computer vision, and big data. These presentations showcased the research achievements and directions of each institute and provided valuable learning resources and research opportunities for the students. Finally, Dean of the School of Computer Science-Hu Zhenjiang, secretary of the party committee, Xiong Xiaoliang, and representatives from each institute joined the students for a group photo.

In the coming two weeks, the students will participate in a series of enriching academic lectures, research practices, and cultural exchange activities aimed at comprehensively enhancing their overall quality and international competitiveness. The School of Computer Science will continue to provide high-quality teaching resources and support, ensuring that the students can successfully complete all the courses of the summer school and gain valuable learning and exchange experiences.